Big Empty
Day 15: Fort Bragg, CA to Emeryville, CA
September 21, 2024
I’m home! After 2,671 miles on the bike, 8 states, 3 time zones, two boxes of stuff mailed back, and 14 nights in hotel rooms, I am typing this from my...
Day 14: Eureka, CA to Fort Bragg, CA
September 20, 2024
A real layup of a day, only 155 miles (not counting side trips). Floor of the redwood forest. I woke up in Eugene to a leaden sky, just gray and low. Got the...
Day 13: Klamath Falls, OR to Eureka, CA
September 19, 2024
I’m back! Not really. I still have two more days to get home because this state is large and I am slow. Eureka is only about 60 miles south of the Oregon-...
Day 12: Bend, OR to Klamath Falls, OR
September 18, 2024
All the trees, as long as they’re Pine. Another short one today, because I knew I wanted to spend a little time at Crater Lake in between these two places....
Day 11: Burns, OR to Bend, OR
September 17, 2024
Just a lot of nothing. Cloudy but no rain today. Today was the easy day I was hoping to have yesterday. I woke up and whatever stomach issue I was having...
Day 10: Boise, ID to Burns, OR
September 16, 2024
NB: no photos today, I didn’t take any good ones. As you’ll see, I kind of had my hands full. Today was supposed to be an easy day. Three or four hours’ ride...
Day 9: Pocatello, ID to Boise, ID
September 15, 2024
Highway 29, headed towards Atomic City. I think I’m developing a formula for good days on the bike. Start early enough that it’s still cool (this depends on...
Day 8: Yellowstone Inn to Pocatello, ID
September 14, 2024
I wanted today to be an easy one, maybe an hour or two, because I knew I was still reeling from the effects of being on the bike for 10 hours, the poor...
Day 7: Billings, MT to Old Faithful Inn, Yellowstone NP (Wyoming)
September 13, 2024
This was a close one.
Day 5: Baker, MT to Billings, MT
September 11, 2024
I think this is a Russian Olive? Planted all over as decorative trees, now invasive throughout the western US. Here at a rest area in Montana, on US 12....
Day 4: Mobridge, SD to Baker, MT
September 10, 2024
Another hot, exhausting day. Mostly the couple hours after noon, when the temps got above 85 and even at speed it was just hot. If you’d fed an LLM 1000...
Day 3: Fergus Falls, MN to Mobridge, SD
September 9, 2024
Stopped here for… something? maybe to put in my earplugs, which make riding at speed SO MUCH BETTER. I slept terribly last night; the hotel was noisy, the...
Day 2: Roseville, MN to Fergus Falls, MN
September 8, 2024
You know how as a kid, you sometimes get it in your head that you really want something? Like need it to be a part of your life, and then you finally get it,...
Day 1: Emeryvile -> SFO -> MSP -> Roseville, MN
September 7, 2024
My day started at 3:20 when my alarm went off, after tossing and turning in that way where I’m asleep for up to like an hour, but then I wake up for some...
Day 0: T-minus 10 hours…
September 6, 2024
So I wrote down the list of things to take on my trip and I realized that there were two kinds of things on it: highly idiosyncratic items that only I would...
Test Ride, test post
July 27, 2024
So I did this last weekend, so it’s not testing all the conditions I’ll see on the road, but I’m giving posting a try with some of the hardware I want to...
8 weeks and counting down
July 12, 2024
I do not, and yet I labor on. I know I said in the last dispatch that I would do a rundown of some gear, make a nice list for y’all, but I’m not going to do...
where we’re at
June 18, 2024
So I’d like to send out little status updates with details about how I’m preparing and what, exactly, I’m taking on my trip, so that a) everybody knows I’m...
Welcome to the 'Sletter, what is this? and more
May 22, 2024
First of all, if you’re reading this in your inbox, I’d like to say thanks for signing up based on very thin evidence. First subs are the hardest to get....